Special Session on Active Tectonics, Earthquake Ruptures, Tsunamis and Crustal Deformation
4th November 2020
09:00 – 19:00
The special session is dedicated to oral/poster presentations on the study of active zones, coseismic ruptures and postseismic deformation, including paleoseismology and tsunami investigations. The study of crustal deformation by means of geodetic surveys, InSAR and Lidar, seismic profiles, tomography, gravity and magnetic, is the main component of research on active zones. The stress distribution and transfer with analysis on the interaction between faults, with earthquake forecast and hazard assessment are among the objectives of this session. The session is also organized as a forum for discussion on the scientific approaches and the use of new scientific techniques of field investigations.
We solicit contributions in seismotectonics, active faulting and other geological, and geophysical observations. All relevant topics on continental and oceanic studies with analysis of earthquake cycle, new data collection, genesis and evolution of fault zones with modelling are welcome and highly appreciated. Interested authors can submit on Performer system by choosing Submission Track 3: Earthquake Seismology and Geodesy.
Session Conveners:
Mustapha Meghraoui
Associate Editor – T3
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
IPG Strasbourg, France
Damien Delvaux
Guest of Editorial Board
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Editor-in-Chief of Journal of African Earth Sciences (Elsevier)
MRAC, Tervuren, Belgium -
Nejib Bahrouni
Guest of Editorial Board
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
ONM, Tunisia
Keynote speaker(s):
More details will be announced soon.