Round Table Discussion: An Overview of the Mesozoic to Recent Tectonic Agenda of the Northern African Basins, from Algeria to Egypt
5th November 2020
14:00-18:00 (GMT+0)
This round table is intended to gather different geoscientists who have worked or are currently working on the tectonic evolution and events at large scale throughout the sedimentary basins of North Africa. It will be a scientific platform to share knowledge and experiences on the big overview of the tectonic agenda and its relationships with the major geodynamic evolutionary stages of the Tethyan margin of Africa, from the Triassic Early rifting, to the Late Cretaceous inversional phases related to the onset of subduction beneath the southern Eurasiatic plate margin. Such inversion processes continued over time throughout the Late Eocene Atlasic compressions and the final mechanical docking of the exotic ALKAPECA domain to the Western Tethys Maghrebian margin. The attendees will prepare a draft and white paper in order to edit a position paper on the tectonic agenda of the North African basins, to be published in a special issue.

François Roure
Chief Editor – Track 15
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
IFP – Energies Nouvelles, France
Sami Khomsi
Former Associate Editor
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia -
Mustapha Meghraoui
Associate Editor – T3
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
IPG Strasbourg, France
Keynote Speaker(s):
5th November 2020
14:00 – 15:00 (GMT+0)
Insights on the tectonic agenda of the North Africa basins based on regional scale structural transects.
Sami Khomsi and François Roure
Stress, Strain and Active Tectonics in the Maghreb Mountain belt.
Mustapha Meghraoui